Annual Potluck Picnics One of the things the club needed to do was hold an annual picnic. Of course, since we have no dues it would be potluck. There wasn't a potluck picnic the first year but by 2004 we held the first at Potlatch by Marilyn's condo. The annual potluck picnic has the potential to be the best event for a big turn out. By 2005, we moved it to Eklutna. It has been there ever since as the AKMC dedicated road is right there and is not too far away. Sept 18, 2004: 1st Annual Potluck Picnic at Potlatch
Thank you, to all the people who contributed to make the picnic a perfect end to the 2004 driving season. Special thanks to Marilyn for the use of the site and to John for being "grill master". The food was great and so was the company. A big AKMC welcome to Gail and Jack, Michelle, and Jenna for joining us. Other members included Randy, Mike, John and Kristi, Marilyn, Ron and Jon, and Alex. There were 6 Miatas and 2 OTMs.
The menu at the picnic were hamburgers, Bratwurst, beef smoked sausage, and fried rice. Drinks included sodas and water. Sides were Broccoli salad, Potato salad, and Pistachio salad. Desserts included pie and cookies. Mmm good!
Some things we learned from this event is to change the date. Also, that spare tire bowling is not so easy. More batteries for some music. Other than that, everything else was pretty good. We hope that more members will be there next year as we plan to have more games, more food, and more good times. Everyone have a safe winter and keep in touch on the FORUM. Also, we do have monthly dinner gatherings if you want to spend some time with other AKMC members during the winter months. July 10, 2005: 2nd Potluck Picnic Sets New Record. A picture is worth a thousand words, so I won't type too much. I am still waiting for the pictures of the AKMC members who spent two wonderful hours enjoying the day. Good food, great company, and beautiful weather. What more could one ask for? How about 11 Miatas?! All who were present included Mike and Jewel, John and Kristi, Bill, Chief, Chris and Crystal, Deborah, Chuck, Marilyn, Ryan and Danny, Jesse and Travis, and Linda and Stewart. You had to be there while we were eating and enjoying conversation. We would hear that familiar exhaust note and see yet another Miata. And we did not go unrecognized as all the other people were amazed to see such a sight. If you want a hard copy of this picture it is available from Farminded Photography or contact us for details. July 9, 2006: New Event Record, 14!
Was it our special guests, our members, the food, or the weather that topped our old record of 11 Miatas? It must have been a combination of all of these because this year there was sushi and fruits on the menu. We had special guests from the KRC. We had new members, old members, and non-members join us. Lastly, it did not rain and the sun even showed for a few. So, if you weren't there, we wished you were!
Special thanks to Mr. Toshihiko Hirai for his kind words and his patience signing our rides. It feels wonderful when the project lead signs your baby. Meeting and speaking with our international guests allowed us to really connect with why these little cars are so wonderful. They bring people together. More pictures to be posted as they are available. Thanks to Martha for the first set. The second set is from Farminded.com and are available. Please email him at miata@farminded.com for prices and to see all the wonderful photos he has of you and your baby!
July 8, 2007: First NC at Potluck Picnic
The weather was fine, no rain. The sun would pop out once in a while. When it did, it was hot! But it was the mosquitoes that wouldn't quit this time. Instead of burgers and hotdogs this year, it was chicken. We had it all, KFC, Freddie's, and a whole chicken with BBQ sauce. The sides included Marilyn's famous potato salad with chips. Dessert included ice cream, cherries, and watermelon. There were four Miatas and Chief's Corvette. The Miatas were JENNY, RADIKA, KAZOOM, and GROCKLE, a black NC. We took pictures and got a closer look at the newest Miata to the club. It is always a pleasure meeting new members and seeing old ones again. Members included, Randy, Don and Martha, Marilyn, Meera, Mike, and Scott and Gail. We gave a moment of silence for Pete and enjoyed everyone's company for a few hours. Now, we have our generation picture. More pictures to come. We are in need for a volunteer photos of events that you attend. The group picture will be posted as soon as I get them from Martha. Until then, see you next time. July 13, 2008: Happy 5th Anniversary! Yes, the AKMC is five years old. Do you remember Day One? Did you see the fastest Miata in Alaska, LEELOO? Did you meet our Japanese guests from the Kanazawa Roadster Club (KRC)? Did Mr. Toshihiko Hirai personally sign your trunk lid? Were you there when the 14 Miata record was set? All of these events happened in just five short years. The 5th Anniversary Potluck Picnic was no different. Memories such as AKMC Birthday cakes and "Did you lock my Miata keys in my trunk?" just made it good times that will be with us for the next 5 years. It didn't rain and five Miatas were present: TOOFUN, OZINGA, PKIZZ, SMURF, KAZOOM, and even a BMW Z4. Members present included PK, Howard and Arlana, Alex, Blake and Emily, Mike, Marilyn, Kristi and Josh. Meera took the photo. Special guests included Larry and Carmen with the Z4 and ONDAGO Mobile Entertainment John and Kato. Food included chicken, hot dogs, Marilyn's potato salad, home made guacamole sauce, cakes and soda too. Looking forward to next year which will be the Miata's 20th Anniversary. |