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I dedicate this page to all the people who helped the AKMC from beginning to present. Thank you all again for making this possible. First and foremost, to Makoto Nakamura, Osamu, and the KRC for the inspiration. Mr. Hirai for helping create the NA and signing a few member's Miatas. To Mazda's Enthusiast section for all the swag. To Road & Track Magazine, Brett Berk, and Carl Mishler for the wonderful spread with the Super20. Also, to Auto Motor und Sport and Derek H for our international debut. Special thanks to all the members who donated time, money, or parts over the years.
1. Where can I get a Miata?
New? Continental Mazda is the only Mazda dealer in town.
2. Where do I get my Miata serviced?
You have to figure this out yourself as good mechanics are like doctors. If it is new, definitely keep it with Continental as it has a warranty. I am currently going to Arctic Imports on International. Alpina on Huffman Blvd is another place I go.
3. What are the best wheels for the Miata?
In my opinion, the 6ULs from 949 racing are the best rims for the PRICE. They are specifically made for Miatas, are light, strong, and have odd sizes for huge rubber. In my opinion, the best rims for JDM looks and performance barring price is the Volk TE 37s. Usually, cost more than your used Miata. Wheels such as BBSs, SSRs, Work, and many others are out there. One of the best upgrades for performance and to make your Miata stand out from the rest. As an example, 3 current members are sporting 6ULs, only one has Volks. Other brands to include Enkeis RPF 1s, Keonig Hypergrams etc.
4. Where do I go to get my Miata painted?
MAACO left Alaska long ago. There is a contact on Arctic Blvd, cash only. Also, you can go to one of the dealerships which will repaint your car. You must call for an estimate. Lastly, you can paint it yourself.
5. How do I replace my plastic back window?
Eventually, the plastic back window or the zipper will fail to work. If money isn't an object. Just replace the entire top with the nice fabric, glass window, one piece, for about $500. Having a shop install this will cost you over a grand but it will be done with and raise the value of your Miata. If you are on a budget, the quickest cheapest way is to find a wrecked Miata with a good soft top and transfer the whole assembly over. NA and NB are compatible. NC and ND are a different story. If just the back window is bad you can do a DIY fix with plastic vinyl and glue it on the existing back window portion.